I'm an University student who is very interested in chemisty, but I'm not major in chemistry right now.
But I have some knowledge about chemistry because I have studied general chemistry since I was a high school student.

If you want some more detailed information about me, please go to my user page in Korean Wikipedia(written in Korean).

I have some knowlege about Japanese, but I'm not good at it. If you want to contact to me, please leave a message in English or Korean. If you leave a message in Japanese, I have to use translation machine to understand it fully. (I have some knowledge about 漢字, though.)

Personal Information 編集

Name : ..TTT.. (alias)
Birth : 1990 in Busan, Korea
Location : Somewhere in Seoul, Korea or Busan, Korea
Occupation : Student of P**-******* Program, College of N****** *******, S**** ******* University

Articles made by this user 編集
