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Kahusi (トーク | 投稿記録)
>[[Wikisource:Constitutional documents|English version]]
* [[Konstytucja Albanii]] (ポーランド語訳)
* Algerian Constitution/1996
* <font lang="ar" dir="rtl">[[دستور الجزائر]] (28 نوفمبر 1996)</font>
* [[Constitución de la Nación Argentina]]
* [[Constitución de la provincia de Mendoza]]
* [http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/general/constitution/ Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act]
=== ベルギー ===
* [[Belgische Grondwet]] (オランダ語公式版)
* [[Constitution de la Belgique]] (フランス語公式版)
* [[Konstytucja Belgii]] (ポーランド語訳)
* [[Constitution du Bénin|La Constitution de la République du Bénin]]
* [[Constituição do Brasil de 1824]]
* [[Constituição do Brasil de 1934]]
* [[Constituição do Brasil de 1946]]
* [[Constituição do Brasil de 1988]]
* [[Constitution du Burkina Faso]] (1997)
=== カナダ ===
* [[Constitution du Canada]]
=== 中国 ===
* [[中華民國憲法]]
** [[Constitution of the Republic of China]] (1947)
* [[Constitution of the People's Republic of China (1954)]]
* [[Constitution of the People's Republic of China (1975)]]
* [[Constitution of the People's Republic of China (1978)]]
** [[中華人民共和國憲法]]
** [[Constitution of the People's Republic of China]] (1982)
=== デンマーク ===
*[[Danmarks Riges Grundlov af 5. juni 1849]]
*[[Danmarks Riges Gjennemsete Grundlov af 5. juni 1849 som stadfæstet 28. juli 1866]]
*[[Danmarks Riges Grundlov af 5. juni 1915 med ændringer af 10. september 1920]]
*[[Danmarks Riges Grundlov af 5. juni 1953]]
* [[Constitution of the Fiji Islands]]
* [[Konstytucja Finlandii]] (ポーランド語訳)
* [[Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen]] (1789)
** English translation: [[Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen]]
** Polish translation: [[Deklaracja Praw Człowieka i Obywatela]]
* [[Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen]] (1789)
* [[Lois constitutionnelles de 1875]] (Constitution de la IIIe République, 1875)
* [[Constitution de la France (IVe République)]] (1946)
* [[Loi constitutionnelle du 7 décembre 1954]]
* [[Constitution de la France (Ve République)]] (1958)
* [[Constitution of Georgia (1995)]]
* [[Constitution of Abkhazia]] (1994)
* [[Act of State Independence of the Republic of Abkhazia]] (1999)
=== ドイツ ===
* [[Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches (1871)]]
** 英語訳: [[Constitution of the German Empire]] (1871)
* [[Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches (1919)]]
* [[Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland]] (1949)
* [[Verfassung des Freistaates Bayern]] (1946; Fassung vom 1.1.2004)
=== ハイチ ===
* [[Constitution of Haiti]]
=== インド ===
* [[Constitution of India]]
*[[Constitution of Dáil Éireann]] (1919)
**[[Bunreacht Dála Éireann]] - アイルランド語
*[[Irish Declaration of Independence|Declaration of Independence]] (1919)
**[[Faisnéis Neamhspleádhchuis]] - アイルランド語
**[[Declaration d'Independance (Irlande)|Declaration d'Independance]] - フランス語
* [[Message to the Free Nations of the World]] (1919)
**[[Sceal O Dháil Éireann Chum Saor-Náisiún an Domhain]] - アイルランド語
**[[Appel Aux Nations]] - フランス語
*[[Democratic Programme]] (1919)
**[[Clár Oibre Poblacánaighe]] - アイルランド語
*[[Irish Free State Constitution Act, 1922]]
*[[Transitory Provisions of the Constitution of Ireland]] (1937, as amended in 1941).
* ''Hebrew original'' (1948)
** [[Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel]]
* [[Constitution of Fiume]] or the Constitution of Carnaro. Shortlived republic under Gabriele D'Annunzio in 1920.
* [[大日本帝國憲法]] (1889)
** [[The Constitution of the Empire of Japan]]
* [[日本國憲法]] (1946)
** [[The Constitution of Japan 1946]]
=== マレーシア ===
* [[Constitution of Malaysia]]
=== メキシコ ===
* [[Acta de independencia del Imperio Mexicano]] (1821)
* [[Acta de Casamata]] (1823)
=== ナウル ===
* [[Verfassung der Republik Nauru]] (1968)
=== ニュージーランド ===
* [[Treaty of Waitangi]] (1840)
=== 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 ===
* [[조선민주주의인민공화국 사회주의헌법]] - 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国社会主義憲法 (1998)
=== ペルー ===
* [[Constitución peruana de 1993]]
=== フィリピン ===
* [[1899 Filipino Constitution]]
* [[1935 Filipino Constitution]]
*[[Konstytucja 3 Maja]] (1791)
*[[Konstytucja Księstwa Warszawskiego]] (1807)
*[[Konstytucja Królestwa Polskiego]] (1815)
*[[Konstytucja Wolnego Miasta Krakowa i jego okręgu]] (1818)
*[[Mała Konstytucja z 1919]] (1919)
*[[Konstytucja marcowa]] (1921)
*[[Konstytucja kwietniowa]] (1935)
*[[Mała Konstytucja z 1947]] (1947)
*[[Konstytucja Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej]] (1952)
*[[Mała Konstytucja z 1992]] (1992)
*[[Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej]] (1997)
* [[Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico]] (1952)
* [[Конституция Российской Федерации]]
* [[Konstytucja Federacji Rosyjskiej]] (ポーランド語訳)
* [[Constitution of the Republic of Singapore]]
* [[대한민국헌법]] - 大韓民国憲法 (1987)
** [http://eng.assembly.go.kr/laws/constitution/ 英語訳] (外部リンク)
*[[Constitución de Bayona de 1808]]
*[[Constitución española de 1978]]
**[[Constitution de l'Espagne]]
**[[Spanish Constitution of 1978]]
*[[Regeringsform 1634|Regeringsform]] (1634)
*[[Regeringsform 1719|Regeringsform]] (1719)
*[[Regeringsform 1720|Regeringsform]] (1720)
*[[Regeringsform 1772|Regeringsform]] (1772)
*[[Regeringsform 1809|Regeringsform]] (1809)
*[[Regeringsform 1974|Regeringsform]] (1974)
**[[Regeringsform 1974 (English)|Instrument of Government]] (英語訳)
*[[Successionsordning]] (1810)
* [[Bundesverfassung der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft]] (1999)
* [[Constitution de la Suisse]] (1999)
* [[Constitution of the Republic of Uganda]] (1995)
* [[1977 Constitution of the USSR]]
* [[Constitutions of Clarendon]] (1164)
* [[Assize of Clarendon]] (1166)
* [[Magna Carta]] (Latin original) (1215)
** [[Magna Carta (English text)]]
* [[Declaration of Arbroath]] (1320)
* [[Titulus Regius]] (1484)
* [[The Petition of Right]] (1628)
* ''[[An Act declaring England to be a Commonwealth]]'' (1649)
* [[Habeas Corpus Act]] (1679)
* [[Bill of Rights 1689]]
* [[Act of Union 1707]]
* [[Royal Marriages Act 1772]]
* [[The Declaration of Independence]] of the United States of America ([[en:1776|1776]])
**[[Draft of the Declaration of Independence]] (28 June [[en:1776|1776]])
* [[Articles of Confederation]] (1777)
* [[The Northwest Ordinance]] (1787)
* [[Constitution of the United States of America]] (1787)
**[[Constitution des États-Unis d'Amérique]]
**[[Конституция Соединённых Штатов Америки]]
**[[Konstytucja Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki]] (ポーランド語訳)
**[[Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]]
*[[Virginia Declaration of Rights]] (1776)
*[[Texas Declaration of Independence]] (1836)
*[[Legge fondamentale dello Stato della Città del Vaticano (2001)]] - The Fundamental Law of the State of the Vatican City
* [[Constitución venezolana de 1999]]
[[en:Wikisource:Constitutional documents]]
*[[Tuyên ngôn Độc lập Việt Nam]] - Declaration of Independence of Vietnam (1976)
*[[Hiến pháp Nước Cộng Hoà Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam]] - ベトナム社会主義共和国憲法 (1992)