



内閣総理大臣 佐藤 栄作











1 締約国は、核兵器及び他の種類の大量破壊兵器並びにこれらの兵器を貯蔵し、実験し又は使用することを特に目的とした構築物、発射設備その他の施設を次条に定める海底区域の限界の外側の海底に据え付けず又は置かないことを約束する。

2 の約束は、の海底区域についても適用する。ただし、の海底区域内では、当該沿岸国には適用がなく、また、当該沿岸国の領海の海底については適用しない。

3 締約国は、いかなる国に対してもの設置を援助せず、奨励せず及び勧誘しないこと並びにその他のいかなる態様によつてもその設置に参加しないことを約束する。




1 各締約国は、この条約の目的を促進し及びこの条約の遵守を確保するため、第一条の海底区域の外側の海底における他の締約国の活動を観察によつて検証する権利を有する。ただし、その観察は、当該活動を妨げないで行なうものとする。

2 の観察の後この条約に基づく義務の履行について妥当な疑惑が残る場合には、疑惑をもつた締約国と疑惑をひき起こした活動について責任を有する締約国とは、疑惑を除くために協議する。疑惑がなお残る場合には、疑惑をもつた締約国は、その旨を他のすべての締約国に通告するものとし、関係締約国は、合意すべきその後の検証手続(第一条に規定する種類のものであると合理的に推定される物体又は構築物、設備その他の施設の適当な査察を含む。)について相互に協力する。の活動に係る地域内にある沿岸国その他の締約国及び要請するその他の締約国は、それらの協議及び協力に参加することができる。当該検証手続を開始した締約国は、これを完了した後、他の締約国に対して適当な報告書を配布する。

3 妥当な疑惑をひき起こした活動について責任を有する国が物体又は構築物、設備その他の施設の観察によつて識別されない場合には、その疑惑をもつた締約国は、当該活動に係る地域内の締約国その他の締約国に対し、その旨を通告し、適当な照会を行なう。その照会により特定の締約国が当該活動について責任を有することが確認された場合には、その特定の締約国は、の規定に従つて他の締約国と協議し又は協力する。その照会を行なつた締約国は、その照会により当該活動について責任を有する国を確認することができない場合には、その後の検証手続(査察を含む。)を行なうことができるものとし、当該活動に係る地域内にある沿岸国その他の締約国及び協力を希望するその他の締約国をその検証手続に参加するよう招請する。

4 [[及びの規定に基づく協議及び協力により当該活動に関する疑惑が除かれておらず、この条約に基づく義務の履行につき重大な疑惑が残る場合には、締約国は、その問題を国際連合憲章に従つて安全保障理事会に付託することができるものとし、同理事会は、同憲章に従つて行動をとることができる。

5 いずれの締約国も、自国の手段を用いて、他の締約国の全面的若しくは部分的援助を得て、又は国際連合憲章に基づき国際連合のわく内の適当な国際的手続を通じて、この条の規定による検証を行なうことができる。

6 この条約の規定による検証の活動は、他の締約国の活動を妨げることなく、かつ、国際法によつて認められた権利(公海の自由並びに沿岸国が大陸だなの探査及び開発について有する権利を含む。)に適当な考慮を払つて行なう。














1 この条約は、署名のためすべての国に開放される。この条約がの規定に従つて効力を生ずる前にこの条約に署名しない国は、いつでもこの条約に加入することができる。

2 この条約は、署名国によつて批准されなければならない。批准書及び加入書は、この条約により寄託国政府として指定されるアメリカ合衆国、グレート・ブリテン及び北部アイルランド連合王国及びソヴィエト社会主義共和国連邦の政府に寄託する。

3 この条約は、寄託国政府として指定される政府を含む二十二の政府が批准書を寄託した時に効力を生ずる。

4 この条約は、その効力発生の後に批准書又は加入書を寄託する国については、その批准書又は加入書の寄託の日に効力を生ずる。

5 寄託国政府は、すべての署名国政府及び加入国政府に対し、各署名の日、各批准書又は各加入書の寄託の日、この条約の効力発生の日及び他の通知の受領をすみやかに通報する。

6 この条約は、寄託国政府が国際連合憲章第百二条の規定に従つて登録する。





外務大臣 福田 赳夫

内閣総理大臣 佐藤 栄作






The States Parties to this Treaty,

Recognizing the common interest of mankind in the progress of the exploration and use of the seabed and the ocean floor for peaceful purposes,

Considering that the prevention of a nuclear arms race on the seabed and the ocean floor serves the interests of maintaining world peace, reduces international tensions and strengthens friendly relations among States,

Convinced that this Treaty constitutes a step towards the exclusion of the seabed, the ocean floor and the subsoil thereof from the arms race,

Convinced that this Treaty constitutes a step towards a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and determined to continue negotiations to this end,

Convinced that this Treaty will further the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, in a manner consistent with the principles of international law and without infringing the freedoms of the high seas,

Have agreed as follows:


1. The States Parties to this Treaty undertake not to emplant or emplace on the seabed and the ocean floor and in the subsoil thereof beyond the outer limit of a seabed zone, as defined in article II, any nuclear weapons or any other types of weapons of mass destruction as well as structures, launching installations or any other facilities specifically designed for storing, testing or using such weapons.

2. The undertakings of paragraph 1 of this article shall also apply to the seabed zone referred to in the same paragraph, except that within such seabed zone, they shall not apply either to the coastal State or to the seabed beneath its territorial waters.

3. The States Parties to this Treaty undertake not to assist, encourage or induce any State to carry out activities referred to in paragraph 1 of this article and not to participate in any other way in such actions.


For the purpose of this Treaty, the outer limit of the seabed zone referred to in article I shall be coterminous with the twelve-mile outer limit of the zone referred to in part Ⅱ of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, signed at Geneva on April 29, 1958, and shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of part I, section II, of that Convention and in accordance with international law.


1. In order to promote the objectives of and insure compliance with the provisions of this Treaty, each State Party to the Treaty shall have the right to verify through observation the activities of other States Parties to the Treaty on the seabed and the ocean floor and in the subsoil thereof beyond the zone referred to in article I, provided that observation does not interfere with such activities.

2. If after such observation reasonable doubts remain concerning the fulfillment of the obligations assumed under the Treaty, the State Party having such doubts and the State Party that is responsible for the activities giving rise to the doubts shall consult with a view to removing the doubts. If the doubts persist, the State Party having such doubts shall notify the other States Parties, and the Parties concerned shall cooperate on such further procedures for verification as may be agreed, including appropriate inspection of objects, structures, installations or other facilities that reasonably may be expected to be of a kind described in article I. The Parties in the region of the activities, including any coastal State, and any other Party so requesting, shall be entitled to participate in such consultation and cooperation. After completion of the further procedures for verification, an appropriate report shall be circulated to other Parties by the Party that initiated such procedures.

3. If the State responsible for the activities giving rise to the reasonable doubts is not identifiable by observation of the object, structure, installation or other facility, the State Party having such doubts shall notify and make appropriate inquiries of States Parties in the region of the activities and of any other State Party. If it is ascertained through these inquiries that a particular State party is responsible for the activities, that State Party shall consult and cooperate with other Parties as provided in paragraph 2 of this article. If the identity of the State responsible for the activities cannot be ascertained through these inquiries, then further verification procedures, including inspection, may be undertaken by the inquiring State Party, which shall invite the participation of the Parties in the region of the activities, including any coastal State, and of any other Party desiring to cooperate.

4. If consultation and cooperation pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article have not removed the doubts concerning the activities and there remains a serious question concerning fulfillment of the obligations assumed under this Treaty, a State Party may, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, refer the matter to the Security Council, which may take action in accordance with the Charter.

5. Verification pursuant to this article may be undertaken by any State Party using its own means, or with the full or partial assistance of any other State Party, or through appropriate international procedures within the framework of the United Nations and in accordance with its Charter.

6. Verification activities pursuant to this Treaty shall not interfere with activities of other States Parties and shall be conducted with due regard for rights recognized under international law, including the freedoms of the high seas and the rights of coastal States with respect to the exploration and exploitation of their continental shelves


Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as supporting or prejudicing the position of any State Party with respect to existing international conventions,including the 1958 Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone,or with respect to rights or claims which such State Party may assert, or with respect to recognition or non-recognition of rights or claims asserted by any other State, related to waters off its coasts, including, inter alia, territorial seas and contiguous zones, or to the seabed and the ocean floor, including continental sehelves.


The Parties to this Treaty undertake to continue negotiations in good faith concerning furthr measures in the field of disarmament for the prevention of an arms race on the seabed, the ocean floor and the subsoil thereof.


Any State Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. Amendments shall enter into force for each State Party accepting the amendments upon their acceptance by a majority of the States Parties to the Treaty and, thereafter, for each remaining State Party on the date of acceptance by it.


Five years after the entry into force of this Treaty, a conference of Parties to the Treaty shall be held at Geneva, Switzerland, in order to review the operation of this Treaty with a view to assuring that the purposes of the preamble and the provisions of the Treaty are being realized. Such review shall take into account any relevant technological developments. The review conference shall determine, in accordance with the views of a majority of those Parties attending, whether and when an additional review conference shall be convened.


Each State Party to this Treaty shall in exercising its national sovereignty have the right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events related to the subject matter of this Treaty have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal to all other States Parties to the Treaty and to the United Nations Security Council three months in advance. Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordinary events it considers to have jeopardized its supreme interests.


The provisions of this Treaty shall in no way affect the obligations assumed by States Parties to the Treaty under international instruments establishing zones free from nuclear weapons.


1. This Treaty shall be open for signature to all States. Any State which does not sign the Treaty before its entry into force in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time.

2. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification and of accession shall be deposited with the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which are hereby designated the Depositary Governments.

3. This Treaty shall enter into force after the deposit of instruments of ratification by twenty-two Governments, including the Governments designated as Depositary Governments of this Treaty.

4. For States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited after the entry into force of this Treaty, it shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.

5. The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform the Governments of all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, of the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification or of accession, of the date of the entry into force of this Treaty, and of the receipt of other notices.

6. This Treaty shall be registered by the Depositary Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.


This Treaty, the English, Russian, French, Spanish and Chinese texts of which are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary Governments. Duly certified copies of this Treaty shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the States signatory and acceding thereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Treaty.

DONE in triplicate, at the cities of Washington, London and Moscow, this eleventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred seventy-one.


  1. 憲法その他の法令
  2. 国若しくは地方公共団体の機関、独立行政法人又は地方独立行政法人が発する告示、訓令、通達その他これらに類するもの
  3. 裁判所の判決、決定、命令及び審判並びに行政庁の裁決及び決定で裁判に準ずる手続により行われるもの
  4. 上記いずれかのものの翻訳物及び編集物で、国若しくは地方公共団体の機関、独立行政法人又は地方独立行政法人が作成するもの
  5. 事実の伝達にすぎない雑報及び時事の報道

この著作物は、米国政府、又は他国の法律、命令、布告、又は勅令等(Edict of governmentも参照)であるため、ウィキメディアサーバの所在地である米国においてパブリックドメインの状態にあります。“Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices”、第3版、2014年の第313.6(C)(2)条をご覧ください。このような文書には、“制定法、裁判の判決、行政の決定、国家の命令、又は類似する形式の政府の法令資料”が含まれます。