テンプレート:Reply to


テンプレートの解説[表示] [編集] [履歴] [キャッシュを破棄]

使い方 編集

{{Reply to|ユーザ1|ユーザ2|ユーザ3|ユーザ4|ユーザ5|ユーザ6|ユーザ7}}


This template is particularly helpful in discussions that are not threaded, to indicate which user's comment is referenced. If you feel that this template unnecessarily personalizes the discussion, you may still use the {{talkback}} template on the user's talk page to indicate that you have replied to a comment. IP addresses are only notified if you post to their user talk page.

Note that it isn't necessary to use this template to ping the user if you are already linking to the username from your post, neither is it necessary when posting on their own talk page.

The edit that adds this template must be signed with new signature tildes, or the notification(s) will not work. See Wikipedia:Notifications and mw:Help:Echo#Technical details for more information.

通知の送信条件 編集


  • あなたの新しいコメントが新たな行から始まっていること
  • あなたの新しいコメントにあなたの署名が含まれていること



入力例 出力結果 備考
{{Reply to|ウィキ助}} @ウィキ助:
{{Ping|ウィキ助}} @ウィキ助:
{{Reply to|ウィキ助|Example}} @ウィキ助 and Example: {{Reply to|User1|User2|User3|User4|User5|User6|User7}}が上限
{{reply to|Example|Example2}} @Exemplar and John:
{{reply to|Example|label=John}} @John:
{{reply to|Example|p=さん宛}} @Exampleさん宛
{{reply to|Example|p= –}} @Example –
{{reply to|Example|p=}} @Example
{{reply to|Example|Example2|c=or}} @Example or Example2:
Neither {{reply to|Example|Example2|Example3|c=nor}} Neither @Example, Example2, nor Example3:
{{reply to|Example|Example2|c=}} @Example, Example2:

転送ページ 編集

関連項目 編集